of Sexual Positioning in Relationship with Female Orgasm
The art of the bedchamber is a series of Chinese
sexual techniques of thousands years of tradition. On one hand, the art is the practice to become better-being
by promising health improvement, longevity, pregnancy, immortality and the
accomplishment of the state of the immortal that often involve certain
religious connotations. On the
other hand, it can be methods for female sexual pleasure, since Chinese sexual
arts value female orgasm much more than male’s.
Amongst various techniques in Chinese sexual arts,
sexual positioning is one of those with a long tradition. The earliest reference for sexual
postures can be found in Mawangdui sexual manuals of which burial date goes
back to 168 B.C. These earliest
extant of sexual positioning, however, does not tell us the purpose or possible
effectiveness of each style, nor show us precise positioning for both sexes. Yet, consulting with sexual postures in
later sex manuals, the following suggestions can be made; First, the sexual
positioning might have had several different traditions. Secondly, the art
being a method for better being, the variation in sexual postures relates with
certain health improvements.
Finally, they are, yet, certainly exercises to increase female sexual excitements
and pleasure.
The paper attempts to discuss the transmission of
sexual positioning with possible different traditions, and the differences in
purpose for the use of different sexual postures. The arguments will be consisted of three main parts. At first, I will investigate the shift
of naming for positioning among the Mawangdui example and later sex manuals up
to Ming dynasty, which includes some comparisons and contrasts of postures in
reality between positioning with similar names. Secondly, the paper will examine the positioning for the
health improvements which involves damaging situations and therapeutic
postures. Finally, I will survey
regulations and rules accompanied with some sexual positioning most of that
seem to intend to increase female sexual pleasure.
The result of this analysis would hopefully indicate
possible variations and unifications of the sexual positioning on the way of
its transmission.