


這批材料,一九六六年以後由羅福頤先生、廣州中山大學中文系古文字學研究室、商承祚先生等,進行臨摹、考釋、研究等工作。七年代初期,朱德熙、裘錫圭、李家浩三位先生重新對一、二號墓竹簡進行研究工作。以上單位及個人先後發表相關論著,如〈江陵望山一號楚墓竹簡考釋〉、〈江陵望山二號竹簡《遣策》考釋〉(以上收錄於《戰國楚簡研究》);《望山楚簡•一號墓竹簡釋文與考釋》、《望山楚簡•二號墓竹簡釋文與考釋》(以上收錄於《望山楚簡》);〈江陵望山一號楚墓竹簡疾病雜事札記〉、〈江陵望山二號楚墓竹簡遣策〉(以上收錄於《戰國楚竹簡匯編》);此外尚有單篇論文多篇。惟古文字考釋是難度甚高的基礎工作,故每有值得再三討論的地方,本文即就過去的研究成果,提出一些文字考釋方面的不同意見,如將過去釋作「 」的字改釋作「相」;將「見」改釋作「得」;將「 」改釋作「 」;將「 」改釋作「卜」,謹供讀者參考,並就教於方家。


關鍵詞:望山楚簡 卜筮祭禱簡 不得福 文字考釋


Textual Research on Augural Records from Wangshan Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscripts

Kwok-wa Yuen

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

         In the winter of 1965 at Jiangling in Hubei Province more than 270 bamboo strips, including fragmentary ones, of the late Warring States period were discovered at the tomb of Wangshan. The content of the Bamboo inscriptions in tomb 1 falls under the category ‘Augural Records’, which record divination and sacrificial activities.

         Owing to the difficulties lying within the verifications of ancient Chinese characters, some of the cases are worth studying. Basing himself on the past publications such as, ‘The Research on Chu Bamboo Slips of Warring States period’, ‘The Chu Bamboo Slips from Wangshan’ and ‘The Collections of Chu Bamboo Slips of Warring States Period’ and etc., the author finds that there are still different voices on four such cases.

         1. The character ‘ ’, formerly as ‘ ’, should be transcribed as ‘’. 2. The character ‘ ’, formerly as ‘’, should be transcribed as ‘’. 3. The character ‘ ’, formerly as ‘ ’, should be transcribed as ‘ ’. 4. The character ‘ ’ should be transcribed as ‘’, which is an erratum of ‘’.


Keywords: Chu Bamboo Slips from Wangshan, augural records, , 不得福,
verifications of ancient Chinese characters