
臧振華  洪曉純

本文作者之一臧振華於一九八三年在澎湖七美島發現了南港遺址,當時即推測此為一處石器製造場遺址,但受限於經費和時間,未能進一步研究。二○○○年五月臧振華與夏威夷大學考古學家 Barry Rolett 和中央研究院地球科學研究所研究員葉學文博士等人前往七美南港遺址採集玄武岩石器標本和玄武岩地質標本,準備作X射線螢光分析,以找尋臺灣和澎湖所發現玄武岩石器的礦源時,又在七美島上發現了東湖和西北灣兩處石器製造場遺址。這些石器製造場遺址規模龐大,暴露大量石器的原料、廢料、成品和工具,在臺灣尚屬首次發現,甚為珍貴。本文陳述這三處史前石器製造場的狀況和內容,並就所採集的材料,對當時石器製造技術進行初步的分析和研究。此外,還對三處石器製造場的生產和消費問題、石器製造的專業化問題和石器製造活動的空間結構問題作了初步的討論。

 關鍵詞:澎湖 七美島 南港遺址 石器製造場


A Preliminary Study on Three Lithic Workshops found on the Chi-mei Island, Penghu

Cheng-hwa Tsang and Hsiao-chun Hung

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

        Cheng-hwa Tsang discovered the Nankang site on the Chi-mei Island of Penghu in 1983. According to his preliminary investigation, Tsang had postulated that the Nankang site was probably a prehistoric lithic workshop. Tsang went to the Chi-mei again in May of 2000, with Dr. Barry Rolett of the University of Hawaii and Dr. Yie Shue-wen of Academia Sinica for the purpose of looking for the source materials of the basaltic stone tools found in Penghu and southern Taiwan. During this trip, Tsang discovered another two lithic workshop sites, at Tung-hu and Hsi-pei-wan. These two sites are very large in size, with a large number of stone materials, wastes, finished products and stone hammers scattered on the surface. They are the largest lithic workshop sites ever found in the Taiwan region. Based on the materials collected from these sites, Cheng-hwa Tsang and Hsiao-chun Hung have conducted a preliminary study of the lithic technology and discussed problems related to prehistoric lithic manufacturing activities on Chi-mei Island.

KeywordsPenghu, Chi-mei Island, Nankang site, lithic workshop