漢代書佐、文書用語「它如某某」及 「建武三年十二月候粟君所責寇恩事」簡冊檔案的構成



  1. 漢代邊塞公文書的主要書寫者應是書佐或王莽時的書吏。
  2. 「它如律令、爰書、約束…」意謂「其它如律令、爰書、約束…」的公文末尾用語。在文書所涉的事件中,如有不依慣常程序,須要特別處理,或調整改變之處,文書會特別具體說明調整改變的部分,其它仍依既有規定辦理的部分則不再費辭,以「它如某某」一語帶過。
  3. 基於以上兩點認識以及書體上的辨識,本文認為「建武三年十二月候粟君責寇恩事」的三十五簡並不構成同一件文書冊,而是同一事件檔案中的兩份文書。此外,這兩份文書應該只是候粟君責寇恩訟案文件的一小部分,而不是此案的全部文件。

關鍵詞:漢代 書佐 候粟君所責寇恩事爰書


Notes on Copyists, the Administrative Terminology"它如 T'a Ju(the others as... ,)" and the Make-up of the Lawsuit Files of Officer Su-chü en in A.D. 27

I-tien Hsing

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

    There are different opinions on the composition of the lawsuit files of officer Su-chü en in A.D. 27. This essay attempts to re-examine the make-up of the files on the basis of clarifying the handwriting, and the role of copyists in preparing administrative and legal documents during the time of Han. It also attempts to clarify the meaning of the terminology "t'a-ju-yuan-shu, 它如爰書," which appears in the files of officer Su-chü en, and in many other Han official documents.

    The result of re-examination shows that the extant files of officer Su-chü en, consisting of 35 wooden slips unearthed at site F22, are far from complete. They are made up of two separate documents instead of one as some scholars have suggested.

Keywords: Han Dynasty, copyist, lawsuit files of officer Su-chuen in A.D. 27