
第一二期    2010年08月16日

網路資源 「影像與醫療的歷史」計畫網站新增資料
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出版資訊 2010年8月書籍出版訊息
相關訊息 書評、相關討論、「生命醫療史研究室」新增書籍......
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Ira M. Rutkow, Seeking the Cure: A History of Medicine in America (Scribner, April 13, 2010).

【簡介 】Despite all that has been written and said about American medicine, narrative accounts of its history are uncommon. Until Ira Rutkow's Seeking the Cure, there have been no modern works, either for the lay reader or the physician, that convey the extraordinary story of medicine in the United States. Yet for more than three centuries, the flowering of medicine—its triumphal progress from ignorance to science—has proven crucial to Americans' under-standing of their country and themselves .......全文



Jacalyn Duffin, History of Medicine: A Scandalously Short Introduction (University of Toronto Press, 2nd Edition, May 29, 2010)                                              

【簡介 】Jacalyn Duffin's History of Medicine has for ten years been one of the leading texts used to teach medical and nursing students the history of their profession. It has also been widely used in history courses and by general readers. An accessible overview of medical history, this new edition is greatly expanded, including more information on medicine in the United States, Great Britain, and in other European countries. The book continues to be organized conceptually around the major fields of medical endeavor such as anatomy, pharmacology, obstetrics, and psychiatry and has grown to include a new chapter on public health.  .......全文

活 動 訊 息  

  期:9986日 至1020

為了紀念 蔣渭水 先生逝世79周年,台北市政府文化局與蔣渭水文化基金會特別策畫「開拓現代醫學與新文化教育——台灣總督府醫學校與新文化運動」特展。展示台灣總督府醫學校栽培出來的知識份子,蔣渭水、賴和、杜聰明、韓石泉、王受祿、李應章等人對台灣新文化運動的貢獻。






18956月,台灣總督府在舉行「始政式」後第4天,便在台北大稻埕創辦 「大日本台灣病院」,從日本派來醫生10名、藥師9名、護士20名。院長山口秀高在院內創辦「醫學講習所」,以培養台灣本地醫師為目的,此時的學生大多還留著辮髮上學。1899年,台灣總督府醫學校正式以「校」為名,仿效日本內地一年以三個學期為授課標準;學校課程則包括內外科、婦人科、產科、眼科、小兒科、精神科、法醫學、與梅毒學等。




台灣總督府醫學校是台大醫學院的前身,歷任3位校長,山口秀高、高木友枝與堀內次雄,任內治校風格各異,各有建樹,對台灣現代醫學教育及新文化運動的啟蒙均有相當深遠的影響。主 張 醫師須終身學習的第一任校長山口秀高,創辦了台灣的第一本醫學專門學術刊物《台灣醫事雜誌》。







此單元介紹了13位畢業自台灣總督府醫學校的台灣新文化運動的健將。 蔣渭水在1920年代,即選擇以文化事業作為爭取台灣人民權利的主軸,一生倡立四大志業,台灣文化協會、台灣民報、台灣民眾黨、台灣工友總聯盟,是台灣反殖民與新文化運動的最主要推動者。


韓石泉與王受錄、蔡培火合稱為台南「文協鐵三角」,三人均先後擔任夏季學校講師。1926年臺南文化劇團成立,三位醫師除以金錢支持外,更經常參加演出,是南臺灣最知名的 文化 醫師。大稻埕的名醫李騰嶽是位亦醫亦儒的傑出文士,早年詩社「星社」中堅;他對台灣歷史、民俗、民謠、諺語亦深有研究,保存台灣傳統文化中的醫界代表人物。






【台灣總督府醫學校與台灣新文化運動】特展,展期至1020日 ,展出地點在寧夏路89號的大同分局三樓的台灣新文化運動紀念館,開放時間每週二到週日,9:00-12:0013:30-16:30。洽詢電話2389722824;更多的展覽內容及時代故事,歡迎上網瀏覽http://ncm.culture.gov.tw


Medical Identities workshop


Call for Papers

Exploring Identities:
Medical Texts in Material Form and Experiences Based on Body

International Workshop on New Perspectives in the Medical History of Premodern China, November 20-22, Beijing, China

Sponsored by the Graduate School, Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History, and Department of History at Peking University


Over the last decade, an identity-based perspective has replaced the old history of Chinese medicine narrative, in which famed physicians and medical authors played exclusive roles. Instead, historical figures of varied background have emerged from obscurity and scholars are exploring the dichotomies between physician and patient, male and female, old and young, author and reader, priest and layman, normal and abnormal, to add new dimensions to the history of medicine in pre-modern China.

This workshop aims to bring together scholars who are interested in exploring identity issues in the medical history of pre-modern China. The organizers especially hope to encourage discussions focusing on individual experiences of historical figures, exploring the tensions between social stereotypes and self identities in the context of medical practice. One major goal of this workshop is to push the boundaries of existing social categories in the study of medical history.

Participants are encouraged to tackle two sub-themes: the history of medical texts and bodily experiences in medical practices. The varied material form of texts, whether a manuscript or printed copy, an original text or second-hand patchwork, a practical manual or scholarly treatise, were involved with various historical figures, physicians, scholars, publishers, bibliophiles, workshop artisans, among others. How did the social difference between a physician and a literatus-amateur affect their approaches in writing about a medical problem? How did a medical author present his book, not only as part of his oeuvre, but also part of his socio-cultural identity?

How did the production of medical texts reflect the interplays between authors, publishers, and readers?

The second sub-theme concentrates on the body as a basis for the performance of identities, especially gender-based identities. Participants are encouraged to explore discrepancies between bodily experiences and their textual representations. Authors who set down their bodily experiences in written form tended to lay out social agendas, which were often associated with gender differences. How were such differences represented in textual form? What were the politics behind the gendered narratives? How were women’s bodily experiences rendered visible or invisible in medical texts?

Suggested Topics:

1. The dichotomic relations between physician and patient, author and reader

2. Identities of medical authors as historical constructs

3. Transformations of the material forms of medical texts

4. Meaning of key concepts such as jingyan 經驗” and yi 意” in medical writings

5. Gender, madness, and other performative medical identities

Abstract Submission: The abstract not to exceed 250 words (English) or 500 characters (Chinese) must be submitted by e-mail to peterrc@163.com by September 25, 2010.

Paper Submission: The full paper not to exceed 10,000 words (English) or 30,000 characters (Chinese) must be submitted by e-mail to peterrc@163.com by November 5, 2010.

Expense Reimbursement: Participants will be reimbursed for their expenses in Beijing, including local transportation and accommodation. We are sorry that we are unable to reimburse international airfare this time.

Important Dates:

Submission of Abstract: September 25, 2010

Submission of Papers: November 5, 2010

Workshop: November 20-22, 2010

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編輯者:「影像與醫療的歷史」計畫助理 黃文宏  