
第九十九期    2009年08月17日

網路資源 「影像與醫療的歷史」計畫網站新增資料
活動訊息 相關活動消息
出版資訊 2009年08月書籍出版訊息
相關訊息 書評、相關討論、「生命醫療史研究室」新增書籍......
網 路 資 源  


岡田 晴恵,《感染症は世界史を動かす》(京 都:筑摩書房,2006)。



栗山茂久、北澤一利編著,《 近代日本の身体感覚》(京都:ミネルヴァ書房,2004)。






JR Watt, Editor, Health Care and National Development in Taiwan, 1950–2000, The ABMAC Foundation, New York (2008).

【簡介】由歷史學家 John R. Watt 博士擔任編者的《Health Care and National Development in Taiwan, 1950-2000》提出,台灣整體的衛生管理檔案是值得借鑑學習的,我們不僅要把它當作記載成就的資料,還要把它當作整個發展中世界應當學習的重要發展模型。

    該書包括44篇由 ABMAC 理事、同仁和台灣醫學先驅撰寫的文章,穿插了175張圖片,其中許多是 ABMAC 志願者和衛生保健工作人員。這些文章講述了專業人員和先行者獻身衛生保健體系,為個體利益和整個社會利益服務的故事。該書還指出,ABMAC 建立者、會長、理事以及友人付出的志願服務可以產生有利於國際衛生保健的重大影響。


活 動 訊 息  

主講: 李建民 教授(本所研究員)



Body Wholes, Body Parts: Visualizations and Meanings of the Hand in Chinese Medicine
主講: Dr. Marta E. Hanson (Director of Graduate Studies, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)




Visual Representations in Pre-Modern and Non-Western Science and Technology:When Traditions Meet

International Conference to be held in the National Tsing Hua University (December, 2009)

First Circular Letter

The Conference will focus on visual representations (maps, diagrams, charts, pictures, and so on) employed in non-Western and the pre-modern (from antiquity to the Scientific Revolution) Western scientific and technological traditions, including the disciplines identified as “orthodox” sciences (e.g., astronomy, mathematics, cartography, weaponry production) and “pseudo-sciences” (such as divination, traditional medicine, alchemy, geomancy).

The main topic of the Conference is the encounter of, and interaction between, two or several traditions belonging to different theoretical and social contexts. The questions we would like to address include: What happens when the artifacts (maps, diagrams, tables, etc.) produced within one tradition are interpreted by representatives of another one? Are there new “hybrid” styles of visual representations emerging from the interaction between two or several markedly different traditions, or one of the traditions would eventually replace the other one(s)? How a tradition of visual representation of objects or of theoretical concepts defines and maintains its “identity” in the context of interaction with another tradition?

The Conference will be held in the National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) on December 12-13 (Saturday-Sunday), 2009. Each presentation (up to 45 min) will be followed by questions and a discussion. Each of the two conference days will be concluded by a “round table” discussion.

The conference languages will be Chinese (Mandarin) and English. The participants presenting in Chinese will be invited to produce handouts in English.

The accommodation for the Conference participants (up to 6 nights in a 4-star hotel) will be provided by Tsing-Hua University free of charge.

A small number of traveling grants will be available; the foreign participants interested in obtaining the grants are invited to fill the Travel Grant Application Form attached to the Letter.

Those interested are invited to send their abstracts (no more than 400 words) to the Conference Secretary on or before September 10, 2009. The applicants will be notified by late September. 

The preliminary schedule:

First Circular letter posted on websites and sent to prospective speakers: on or before August 10, 2009.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 10, 2009.

Selection of accepted papers and notification of participants: September 30, 2009.

Local Conference Organizing Committee:

Huang Yi-Long

Hsu Kuang-Tai

Alexei Volkov

Mau Chuan-Hui

(all from Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)

International Advisory Board

Francesca Bray (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Georges Metailie (CNRS, France)

Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CNRS, France)

Michael Lackner (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

Appendix 1:

Abstract form

Full Name (if you have Chinese name, please provide it as well)

Academic position

Institution, institutional address, email, fax

Proposed title of contribution

Abstract (no more than 400 words, in Chinese or English)

Please send your abstract to

Miss Bess CHERN, Conference Secretary at


In the subject line write “Visual Conference Abstract”

Appendix 2:

Travel Grant Application Form


Institution, position

Rough estimate of the travel expenses (economy class)

Projected date of arrival

Projected date of departure

Please fill your travel grant application form in English and send it to

Miss Bess CHERN, Conference Secretary at


In the subject line write “Visual Conference Travel Grant Application Form”

BAE Systems Theatre Australian War Memorial 24-25 September 2009

A wounded Australian soldier at an advanced dressing station at the start of the battle of

Menin Road during the Third Battle of Ypres, Belgium, 20 September 1917. AWM E00715

The history of warfare and the history of medicine have been closely linked. War has often been an accelerator of advances in medical treatment and surgery, as doctors and nurses struggled to cope with the human cost and suffering resulting from mankind’s most destructive acts.

The major wars of the last hundred years – from the First World War to more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan – have driven many medical advances: in treatments for wounds and pain management; the use of antibacterial agents and more effective prophylaxis against disease and infection; as well as the development of radical new approaches to evacuating, treating, and healing the injured.

Nevertheless, war continues to inflict its toll of carnage and human misery not just on combatants but also on civilians, who are too often either the intended or accidental targets of modern conflicts. The relationship between medicine and the military can also produce challenges and conflict.

For veterans and their families, the post-war legacy of combat experience can sometimes seem as severe and persistent as the effects of wounds and injuries. War-damaged veterans are reminders of the enduring impact of war on Australian society.

The Memorial is convening a two-day conference, bringing together a range of experts to explore the impact of war, wounds, and trauma through the historical record and personal experiences. Participants will include renowned historians specialising in the medical and demographic consequences of warfare; medical practitioners and researchers in the field of military medicine; former and serving medical officers, surgeons, nurses; and veterans.

Major themes which may be addressed by speakers include the following (still to be finalised and consolidated as the program is developed):

·        Casualties in war, treatment in the field and medical evacuation, surgical teams and field hospitals

·        Soldiers’ and doctors’ perspectives (personal accounts) of wounds and treatment

·        Mine casualties, fear of wounds and acute trauma on the battlefield

·        Shell shock, self-inflicted wounds and combat fatigue

·        Illnesses and diseases of war (malaria, dysentery, venereal disease, etc.), maintaining soldiers’ health, the evolution of service medicine

·        Facially disfigured soldiers, advances in surgery, rehabilitation of wounded veterans

·        The cost of war and veterans’ health studies, the aftermath and post mortems, including the debate over the effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam

·        Living with the effects, triumph over disabilities

·        The lighter side (doctors’ and veterans’ memories)

Join us at the Australian War Memorial for an absorbing, stimulating and at times confronting exploration of the interaction of medicine and war.

Registration: $280 ($200 concession and Friends of the Memorial)

For enquiries, email: events@awm.gov.au

For further information, program and registration details, keep watching the Australian War Memorial’s website (www.awm.gov.au):


This conference is being convened by the Australian War Memorial.  The support of the Australian Government through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs is gratefully acknowledged



主講人:劉士永 教授(本中心衛生史研究計畫參與副研究員兼執行秘書、本院臺灣史研究所副研究員)


主講人:范燕秋 (國立臺灣師範大學臺灣史研究所副教授)
時間:民國98年9月12日上午10時~12時 (請於當日上午9:50前報到入座)   (報名請點選)


講題:我的精子戴眼鏡, 走會喘--男性生殖與性別體系

主講者:吳嘉苓 副教授 (台大社會學系暨研究所)

日期:98年11月26日(二)12:30 - 14:30


主辦單位:高雄醫學大學性別研究所、兩性平等教育委員會     合辦

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