本刊創始於一九二八年,由中央研究院歷史語言研究所負責編輯出版。每年出版四分,分別於三、六、九、十二月刊行。本刊歡迎海內外學者賜稿,凡有關史學、語文學、考古學、人類學及文字學之學術論文,均所歡迎,並請勿一稿數投。中文來稿以不超過三萬字,英文來稿以不超過一萬字(約三十頁)為原則;史料及書目引用格式請參照內文,亦可來信索取〈撰稿須知〉,格式不符者恕不接受。請在稿件上註明作者中英文姓名、服務單位、職稱及詳細地址。來稿請使用以電腦打字印出的稿件。論文通過後,再請作者提供該稿件之電子檔(含中英文摘要、關鍵詞、正文及引用書目)。請避免用特殊字體及複雜編輯方式,並請詳細註明使用軟體名稱及版本。作者如引用網路論文與資料庫時,應標示網址、資料庫名稱與搜尋日期等資訊。作者請自留底稿,未能採用之稿件,本刊將不負責寄還。另,本刊不負責來稿內容物之版權問題(如圖、表及長引文等),請作者先行取得版權持有者之同意。來稿發表後,由本所贈送作者當季及當年集刊各一本,論文抽印本五十份。亦可來信索取,格式不符者恕不接受。請在稿件上註明作者中英文姓名、服務單位、職稱及詳細地址。來稿請使用以電腦打字印出的稿件(投稿時無需附上磁片)。論文通過後,再請作者提供該稿件之電腦磁片(含中英摘要、關鍵詞、正文及引用書目);IBM Macintosh 皆可(Microsoft Word 中文版最佳)。請避免用特殊字體及複雜編輯方式,並請在磁片上詳細註明使用軟體名稱及版本。作者請自留底稿,未能採用之稿件,本刊將不負責寄還。另,本刊不負責來稿內容物之版權問題(如圖、表及長引文等),請作者先行取得版權持有者之同意。來稿發表後,由本所贈送作者當季及當年集刊各一本,論文抽印本五十份。

來稿請寄:臺北市南港區 11529 中央研究院歷史語言研究所






        Since 1928 the Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology (BIHP) has been issued quarterly under the auspices of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, in the Republic of China. BIHP welcomes the submission of manuscripts dealing with history, philology, archaeology, anthropology, and paleography. Manuscripts must not exceed 10,000 words (roughly 30 pages of typed text). Guidelines for footnotes and references are available upon request. We cannot accept manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines. Please specify the following on the manuscript: author’s English and Chinese names, affiliated institution, position, and address. It is not necessary to include a computer file with the first submission. After a manuscript has been accepted, however, its author is required to submit not only a hard copy, but also a computer file. The preferred editing program is a recent version of Word. In any case, please note the brand of software used and its version number. Please avoid fancy formatting of the text. To cite online materials, it is required to include the URL, the name of the database, and an access date. The author has sole responsibility for obtaining permission from publishers to use copyrighted materials, such as illustrations, charts, or lengthy quotations. Upon publication, authors will receive fifty offprints of their articles, one copy of the entire issue concerned, plus one copy of the four issues for that year, free of charge. Rejected manuscripts are not be returned to the author.

Manuscripts should be addressed as follows:

Editorial Board BIHP

The Institute of History and Philology

Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 11529

Taiwan, ROC

URL: http://www.ihp.sinica.edu.tw

email: bihp@mail.ihp.sinica.edu.tw

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